La «diversitat» només val si penses com el poder.
Ayer el gobierno socialazi aprobó un proyecto de ley educativa (LOMLOE) -y van 8 en 40 años- que impone en la educación la ideología del poder:
- Los políticos deciden unilateralmente qué colegios se abren y qué colegios se cierran. Lo que pidan las familias no cuenta.
- Las autonomías deciden unilateralmente a qué colegio van los alumnos. Los colegios no tienen nada que decir.
- Adiós a la educación concertada (25% de los alumnos), que seguramente no recibirán concierto. Especial amenaza a la educación diferenciada, que es como se educó la ministra Celaá.
- Adiós a la enseñanza del español en Cataluña: se entrega a la Generalitat el control de las clases de español.
- L’esforç de l’alumne es devalua: no hi ha revàlides, podràs ser batxiller amb 1 suspens, i treure’t el títol ESO amb un treballet «personalitzat».
- El 45% del contenido de las asignaturas lo determinará la Generalitat. Així les madrasses ensenyaran a tope el somunanació i ensvolenaixafar.
- Exclusión de la Religión, que ya no cuenta académicamente; que aquí lo que hay que profesar es el nacionalismo, feminismo, generismo o el idolete de turno en el poder.
- Adoctrinamiento ideológico en las aulas con la nueva asignatura de «Valores Cívicos». Ja sap: un toque de no comas carne, algo de ideología de género, reducción de nacionalismo, sazón de feminismo, puntito de gretismo, pellizco de yoga, y adorno bolivariano, cocinado a fuego lento en cazuela new age. Així tots sortiran pensant com li agrada al poder.
- Elecciones en los colegios para escoger a los directivos: la política llega a las escuelas.
Como dice El Mundo, «las palabras ‘diversidad’ e ‘igualdad’ están presentes a lo largo de todo el articulado». Però una diversitat, com hem vist, basada en l’exclusió de lo que no agrada al poder.
Primeres conseqüències? «Masclistes», «Classistes», «Opus no sou benvinguts», «Feminisme», símbolos de la pachamama femilazi… estos son los mensajes intimidatorios que hoy se han encontrado en la puerta los alumnos de les escoles Viaró i La Farga, a Sant Cugat.
Y esto nos sugiere que la nueva ley será muy bonita, porque algunos se darán cuenta de una vez de que se educa mucho mejor en libertad, y que preservarla puede costar esfuerzo, dinero, amenazas y señalamiento. Pero así, a contracorriente, se forman los mejores.
Bienvenidos a la reichpública bolivariana de Catalunya, paradís de la diversitat i la llibertat.
Dolça i totalitària Espanya…
Categories: Huid del nacionalismo
VOX denuncia que un grupo de «feministas radicales» han atacado en Barcelona un autobús que se dirigía a Vistalegre
El que desee traer un hijo a este infierno està loco de atar…
El PP difunde un vídeo con elogios a Irene Montero, Ada Colau y Gloria Elizo por el 8M
El OPUS ¿ha apoyado por pasiva o activa al movimiento racista catalán?
Lo pregunto porque me suena que si.
No me negaréis que tiene su puntito el que Religión no puntúe para la nota media…Después de todas las Iglesias con carteles por los presus y curetas engalanando de amarillo sus parroquias…
Siempre he pensado que el mejor cristinianismo es el que te viene de la madre al invitarte a rezar al acostarte o de la abuela explicándote con emoción el Belén en Navidad, o la reflexión que surge al Caminar…¿O es que debéis vuestras creencias a esos tostones profesores de Reli que pagamos con nuestros impuestos?
Por mi parte, ninguna religión en el Aula, sino en el Alma. La Fe se vive, no se mide.
¡Roma no paga a traidores!
Estamos a dos minutos de que las feministas de «raza» le reprochen al resto de las mujeres no tener bigote.
Barcelona impide un procesión porque quien la organiza “no es una entidad del territorio”
La procesión en honor a San José estaba prevista para el próximo 28 de marzo en Barcelona, organizada por la Asociación Jóvenes de San José. Finalmente, se celebrará una misa en la basílica de la Merced de Barcelona el 28 de marzo a las 18:00 horas.
Bueno. Este que mencionais de «Exclusión de la religión» supongo que solo es temporal… Y a vendrá la nueva religión que está arrasando y esta SI será obligatoria sin que nadie le ponga la más mínima objeción.
«Por ti, y por todos» El mensaje de las dipu-tadas de VOX para el 8M
El 8 de marzo hay una alternativa al feminismo progre
¿Quien o quienes están detrás de este rollo patatero del feminismo? La sinagoga de satanás y,ya sabemos quienes la componen.
Kevin MacDonald book «The Culture of Critique» (2002) portrays the 20th century as a Jewish century. A hundred years ago, Jews were an impoverished people living mostly in Eastern Europe surrounded by hostile populations. Today Israel is firmly established in the Middle East and Jews have become the wealthiest and most powerful elite in the United States and other Western countries.
More significantly, according to MacDonald, the Western intellectual world has become Judaized. Jewish values and attitudes now constitute the culture of the West. Because of deep-seated Jewish hostility toward traditional Western (i.e. Christian) culture, the founding peoples «have been made to feel deeply ashamed of their own history, surely the prelude to their demise as a culture and a people.» (lxix)
Specifically, Jewish organizations promote policies and ideologies aimed at undermining cultural cohesion while practising the opposite policies themselves. While they promote multiculturalism and internationalism in the West, they insist that Israel remain a racially pure national enclave for Jews.
«The present immigration policy essentially places the United States and other Western societies «in play» in an evolutionary sense which does not apply to other nations of the world,» MacDonald writes. «Notice that American Jews have no interest in proposing that immigration to Israel should be similarly multiethnic, or … threaten the hegemony of the Jews.» (323)
MacDonald says anti Semitism in Weimar Germany was based on a perception that «that Jewish critical analysis of gentile society was aimed at dissolving the bonds of cohesiveness within the society.» One academic referred to the Jews as «the classic party of national decomposition.» (163)
MacDonald speculates that Jews feel more comfortable in societies without a distinctive national character. I think there is more to this. The break-up of society into isolated individuals is also the agenda of the new world order, which wishes to remove any united resistance. The new world order is essentially the transfer of all power to international finance. The question then arises: is the new world order a Jewish phenomenon? Or are Jewish intellectuals the pawns of financiers, both Jewish and non-Jewish?
MacDonald focuses on how Jewish intellectual movements led by authoritarian figures took over modern intellectual life. He discusses Boas in Anthropology, Adorno in Sociology, Freud in Psychiatry and Derrida in Philosophy.
The «Frankfurt School,» for example, was a «Marxist Jewish cult» financed by Jewish millionaire Felix Weil. Theodore Adorno’s influential book «The Authoritarian Personality» (1950) was actually sponsored by the American Jewish Committee. It attributed prejudice to Christian sexual repression and portrayed gentile group affiliations (including Christian religion, patriotism, and family) as indications of psychiatric disorder. (162)
Social disintegration leads to psychological confusion. Society has accepted Adorno’s view that there is no objective standard of truth, no common reality. Everyone is isolated and different. Adorno resisted attempts to «endow the world with any universality, objectivity or totality, with any single organizing principle that would homogenize society…» (164)
This kind of post-modernist philosophy has paralysed modern Western culture. Western civilization is built on the foundation that truth is spiritual, universal and knowable. Ultimately truth is God.
Universities today have given up the pursuit of truth and are devoted to Bolshevik-like social engineering and indoctrination. A liberal arts education today is not only a waste of time but toxic. Far from bearers of the Western tradition, universities are its executioners with the tacit blessing of the government.
Kevin MacDonald, a professor of Psychology at California State University is a rare exception. His courageous indispensable book unveils the subversive character of our time.
A soft-spoken man who approaches his subject with scientific detachment, MacDonald has amassed a wealth of remarkable detail. For instance, did you know that white gentiles are the most underrepresented group at Harvard? They account for approximately 25% of the student body. While Asians and Jews make up only 5% of the US population, they account for at least 50% of Harvard enrolment.
«The United States is well on the road to being dominated by an Asian technocratic elite and a Jewish business, professional and media elite,» MacDonald says.
He details the Jewish role in sponsoring Communism, non-European immigration and the NAACP. He documents the stranglehold Jews have on US cultural life and shows how it is used to shape American attitudes.
«For example, All in the Family …not only managed to portray working class Europeans as stupid and bigoted, it portrayed Jewish themes very positively. By the end of its 12-year run, even archenemy Archie Bunker has raised a Jewish child in his home, befriended a Black Jew (implication: Judaism has no ethnic connotations), gone into business with a Jewish partner, enrolled as a member of a synagogue, praised his close friend at Jewish funeral [etc]…. Jewish rituals are portrayed as «pleasant and ennobling» … There is never any rational explanation for anti Semitism…[it] is portrayed as an absolute irrational evil that must be fought at every turn.» (lviii)
On the other hand, Christianity is typically portrayed as evil in the movies, and Christians are even depicted as psychopaths. MacDonald cites conservative Jewish critic Michael Medved who complains that he couldn’t find one film made since 1975 where Christianity was portrayed positively. (lix)
MacDonald sees anti Semitism as the result of legitimate conflicts-of-interest. Yet Jewish organizations demonize anyone with the temerity to address Jewish power. They suppress the fact that Jewish-Christian rivalry has very deep roots in Western society.
In my view, this rivalry boils down to the fact that Jewish Pharisees rejected Christ’s gospel of universal love and human brotherhood. Ever since, Jews have been social and metaphysical outcasts, albeit ones with amazing powers of self-justification. We have been used as pawns by worldly powerbrokers bent on destroying Christian civilization. The «modernist» trend of the 20th Century can be seen in these terms.
As I have suggested elsewhere, Judaism is more a racial creed than a religion. Jews are told we have a mission to create equality and social justice. In fact, we are being used by financiers to build a totalitarian world order. The financiers hold out socialist ideals as bait to transfer more and more power to government, which they control.
Of course, not all Jews are pawns of the new world order. Most pawns are not Jews. Racism has no place in this debate. But generally I believe Jews have played a prominent role in modernism.
A beacon for humanity, we have not been. Deceived ourselves, we have deceived others and purveyed personal dysfunction and societal oppression. Our role in Communism is a disgrace. Israel is a source of shame. Jews need to discover who we really are and rededicate ourselves.
We can begin by reading «The Culture of Critique» and the other books in MacDonald’s trilogy about Judaism as an evolutionary stategy, «A People that Shall Dwell Alone» (1994) and «Separation and its Discontents» (1998). MacDonald’s publisher sent «The Culture of Critique to 40 Jewish publications and didn’t get one review. Nor has there been any mainstream coverage, a confirmation of his thesis and measure of our captivity.
Todo lo que sea negar la igualdad de derechos y obligaciones entre hombres y mujeres, sea el machismo tradicional o el secular islámico y judío sea el feminismo supremacista, va contra la naturaleza humana y la necesaria complementariedad de hombres y mujeres. Luego, cuando legislan, reducen las penas para los violadores o los ponen en libertad gracias a la derogación de la doctrina Parot por el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos, la mayoría de cuyos jueces han trabajando para la Open Society Foundation de George Soros. El feminismo inicial era cristiano y contrario al aborto (aunque os parezca extraño), el divorcio, el abandono a las madres solteras, la prostitución y el alcohol – fueron una de las bases principales del movimiento por la Prohibición en los EE..UU. nada que ver con estas hijas del marxismo cultural de inequívoca raigambre judía como reconocen ellos mismos, por ejemplo
The Forgotten Jewish Element of the Women’s Liberation Movement
March 27, 2018 | nyupressblog | history, jewish studies, women’s studies
—Joyce Antler
Reposted with permission from The ProsenPeople.
Jewish women were a prominent presence in the radical wing of the feminist movement of the 1960s, 70s, and 80s—only no one knew it. Participants in this fiery and transformative movement known as women’s liberation talked about every aspect of social and sexual life as they raised consciousness together; but in some women’s groups, although many members were Jewish, there was one subject they never addressed—their Jewish backgrounds. “We never talked about it,” said Naomi Weisstein of Chicago’s West Side Group, the first women’s liberation group in the country. Neither did historians.
In good part, this omission was due to the fact that Jewish women participated in the movement not as Jews—as members of an ethnic minority—but as universalists promoting a common sisterhood. “Why would we identify ourselves as Jews when we wanted to promote a vision of internationalism and interfaith and interracial solidarity? asks Vivian Rothstein, another West Side member.
Despite historical inattention to Jewish women in radical feminism, in some women’s liberation collectives in such cities as New York, Boston, and Chicago, perhaps two-thirds to three-quarters of members were Jewish. Jewish women’s articles and books became classics of the movement, providing influential ideas and models for radical change. Even a partial honor roll of Jewish women’s liberation pioneers needs to include such figures as Shulamith Firestone, Ellen Willis, Robin Morgan, Alix Kates Shulman, Naomi Weisstein, Heather Booth, Susan Brownmiller, Rosalyn Baxandall, Marilyn Webb, Meredith Tax, Linda Gordon, Ellen DuBois, and Ann Snitow. These women’s visions and actions helped generate widespread revolts against sexism that ultimately became a mass movement.
My interviews with dozens of pioneer women’s liberationists reveal that Jewish backgrounds and Judaism’s ethical imperatives played a major part in shaping Jewish women’s feminist activism. The women grew up in Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist, and even Orthodox congregations, attending synagogues, Hebrew school classes, Jewish summer camps and community centers. Others went to Yiddish shules. They were inspired by parents, other relatives, and immigrant ancestors (including Socialist and Communist Party members). Family and community members’ direct experience and historical memories of the Holocaust deeply affected them.
Within a few years, other Jewish women, more openly identified with Jewish religion and culture, began to rebel against inequities in Jewish life. In 1972, a religious women’s study group, Ezrat Nashim, disrupted the Annual Meeting of the Rabbinical Assembly with demands for more equal treatment of women. Assertively Jewish, they opened the door to a new kind of identity politics. Other Jewish-identified feminists challenged assimilation, asserting the need for Jewish women to proclaim their distinctiveness rather than trying to “pass.” For some women alienated from their pasts and interested in exploring woman/woman relationships, lesbianism became a channel into a deepening Jewishness; becoming visible as both Jews and as lesbians were linked processes. Although efforts to meld feminist ideas with Jewish identities could entail considerable struggle, Jewish feminists successfully brought feminism to the Jewish mainstream and Jewish feminism to the Left.
The complex identities of both Jewish women’s liberationists and identified Jewish feminists should be recognized as important parts of the histories of feminism and Judaism. Today, when the politics of identity are frequently derided as diversionary or labeled deleterious groupthink, the legacy of these pioneering feminists is instructive. Their contributions show that activism rooted in ethnic or faith traditions can instigate broad-based social change. Rather than fragmentation, these women’s politics embody goals shared within and across social groups.
The Jewish legacy that helped to spur these women’s activism was a product of the universalism embedded in the Jewish credo, an ethos that regarded Jewish values as universal truths and positive social norms. In its concern for ethical values and consciousness of human commonalities, this Jewish vision harmonized well with the pluralist politics of the 1960s and 70s. In the social movements of those decades, Jewish participants projected the racial liberalism of colorblindness and empathy toward the oppressed, values that their families had taught them and which found roots in Jewish thought and experiences.
The revolutions started by women’s liberationists and Jewish feminists provided a touchstone for the next generations’ attempts to come to grips with the sometimes-confounding elements of their own Jewish identities. Connections to roots provided powerful incentives for social action. So inspired, the women created change for the entire world.
Estoy de feminismo, lenguaje inclusivo, heteropatriarcado, cosificación y otras heces, hasta los mismísimos…
Esto se va a la 💩💩, pero mientras se habla de coronavirus y drones, ahí van los Picapiedra firmando subidas de impuestos y decretos ley sin vergüenza…
Es lo que hay. Ahora si no os gusta el comentario, lo podéis eliminar, como el que puse ayer defendiendo el derecho de opinión, cuando alguien criticó sin argumentos una libre opinión de un compañero, pero el suyo sigue siendo visible…
Hay conentarios que invitan al debate sano y constructivo, pero otros que atacan sin ton ni son a otros foreros…
Cuåndo habrá equidad en DC?
Au! fins aviat!
Yo mismo, no sé de dónde sacas tiempo para tanto como miras y pones en Dolça. Mi admiración por tu esfuerzo
Las mujeres de VOX rompen con la huelga feminista del 8M
VOX carga contra el PSOE por rechazar el aumento de las penas a violadores y asesinos
Lo que realmente les molesta es la religión cristiana de esos dos colegios.Es posible que algún dia descubran que en el antiguo Castrum Octavianum ( hoy Sant Cugat ) , en el año 304 después de Cristo falleció martirizado un miembro procedente de la Iglesia de Cartago ( Túnez ) que se llamaba Cucufate ( en catalán Cugat ).
Parece ser que 1700 años después ,ante el evangelio , en los alrededores de Barcelona ( antigua Barcino ) existe gente igual de reaccionaria.
Pongo un enlace
¿Qué propone la nueva ley de educación Celaá?
🔥🔥😭el feminismo moderno😭🔥🔥
La podemita gallega con el cerebro lavado y el hiyab puesto utiliza la mentira como arma revolucionaria como buena marxista y buena islamista a la par, cosas de los progres españoles en el mundo islámico los islamistas y las comunistas y feministas andan a tortas por ejemplo en Turquía:
RETO FEMINISTA 100€ «RESPUESTAS» ¿habrá ganadora?
Bienvenidos a RoberSR!!! Nueva polémica en Televisión Española. Concretamente, en el programa Operación Triunfo. En dicho programa y cadena (pagada por los impuestos de todos los Españoles) hemos tenido que aguantar un mitin feminista radical contra VOX y una defensa irracional del llamado «feminismo anticapitalista». El marxismo progre-comunista inunda cada vez más la televisión pública de la mano del gobierno de Pedro Sánchez. Por eso, una vez más, toca exigir el cierre de dicho medio de comunicación…
Performance feminista a Lleida
Badalona: El violador ets tu – El violador eres tu
Santa Coloma hace eco del himno feminista ‘Un violador en tu camino’
L’himne feminista ‘Un violador en tu camino’, a Vic
«El feminismo está envenenando el diálogo en nuestra cultura», dice activista estadounidense
La educación diferenciada (o single-sex) no es ni mejor ni peor que la conjunta.
Es cuestión de elección y libertad.
P.ej. en EEUU se permiten (y sufragan) escuelas públicas single-sex, siempre que se garanticen plazas suficientes para ambos sexos en los distritos.
De hecho la propia Hillary Clinton apoyó esta posibilidad.
Sermón ideológico de una profesora a los alumnos
Una profesora de Historia de un Instituto Público en Tenerife da un sermón ideológico a sus alumnos sobre la violencia de género.
Esta vez fue en un acto de Ortega Smith en Zaragoza hace pocos días
Y sólo en un país como este puede una persona que cumple condena, dar clases en una universidad.
Un instituto de secundaria de Sevilla pone a todo volumen ‘La Internacional’
Vídeo grabado por la tuitera @PilucaGlezSev, testigo de los hechos, y publicado el miércoles 26 de septiembre a mediodía por el tuitero @Encamtado1. El vídeo fue grabado junto al recinto del Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria (IES) Macarena, en Sevilla, y en él se escucha sonar por la megafonía el himno izquierdista ‘La Internacional’, concretamente la versión que usa el Partido Comunista de España (PCE).
La ley feminista de Montero: mucha publicidad, poca prevención real. Celaá se carga la religión
‘Madrid será la tumba de Abascal’: el odio feminista amenaza a VOX
Se les llena la boca de libertad, pero son los liberticidas por antonomasia.
Es como lo de la RDA, que tenía de democrática lo que Junkie de Alain Delon.
Es un golpe de estado desde dentro y a cámara lenta.
Esto es lo que se consigue con el buenismo populista y la permisividad jurídica ante actos ilegales.