Los separatistas se derriten de admiración con los asesinos de ETA

Aquesta gent fa cada dia més fàstic.

No es la primera vez: les encantan los terroristas, se derriten por ellos. Hasta ahora, principalmente con Arnaldo Otegi o con el asesino de Bultó, Carles Sastre Benlliure, terrorista de Terra Lliure. I després aniran amb la monserga de que són gent de pau.

Pero la cosa no acaba aquí. Los nacionalistas de Llibertat.cat, que se denomina «Portal d’informació i opinió de l’Esquerra Independentista», han vuelto a poner de manifiesto toda su podredumbre moral al informar sobre el terrorista vasco Germán Urizar.

¿Preso político? Pero si Urízar es un asesino, condenado como autor material del asesinato del policía Juan Manuel Cruz, a quien asesinó en Baracaldo colocando una bomba lapa en su coche, que también causó graves heridas a su mujer, y que fue detenido el 6 de junio de 1991 cuando intentaba asesinar a otro funcionario de Policía en Baracaldo.

¡Y tienen la desfachatez de compararlo con Mandela! Au, va, que sou una colla de fans d’assassins. Ni teniu ni tindreu mai lloc a una societat decent.

Y es que el nacionalismo y sus amiguetes fan cada cop més fàstic.

Dolça i fastigosa Catalunya…

Categories: Pura raça

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26 comentarios

  1. La señora dejó de ser ecuánime y objetiva y se puso en manos de los fabricantes de conflictos. No sé si su esposo, cordobés y muy comunista, estará tambien en su onda.
    La otrora admirada Gemma Nierga, hace tiempo que dejó de serlo para mí.
    Con lo del asesino etarra Otegui ha colmado el vaso. Mi desprecio lo tiene asegurado. Aunque a ella le tenga sin cuidado.

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRMMgrHVG5c

    presos políticos: Tu PM (no, no es Palma de Mallorca)

  3. «En Cataluña no necesitamos más andaluces, si necesitamos mano de obra válida los latinos os dan mil vueltas»

    Xavi Boada insiste en el insulto a los andaluces en superfil de Twitter, un discurso que encuentra más respuesta en las redes sociales


    • Madrid lo hicieron entre Carlos III, Sabatini y un albañil de Jaén, que era el que se lo curraba

      (Francisco Umbral)

      • En España no necesitamos a tres categorías de personajes
        1) supremacistas étnicos y lingüísticos (castalibanes con sus secuaces en Aragón – pocos- en Valencia y Baleares – bastantes más-, abernazis y terroristas vasquerosos, naburros, narcogallegos e islamistas andalusíes
        2) comunistas a sueldo de potencias extranjeras (Cuba-Venezuela e Irán) ¿por qué no se refunda un PCE que acepta las reglas del juego democrático como fue desde 1977 mandado por Carrillo, Iglesias o Anguita)
        3) inmigrantes que no aceptan nuestras leyes ni respetan nuestras tradiciones ni se integran en la convivencia
        Desde luego, prefiero cien veces a los andaluces humildes que, a pesar de la pobreza secular que padecen y la desidia de las administraciones que los desgobiernan desde Madrid y Sevilla no se han sublevado contra España, que a estos señoritos porcinócratas tractorianos malcriados y resentidos. Mejor la Feria de Abril que los recitales de Luis Llach, ¿alguien lo duda?

  4. 758 fotos a modo de denuncias que evidencian cómo en la Cataluña gobernada por fanáticos independentistas se arremete contra la tolerancia, el pacifismo y la democracia (apología de la violencia):

  5. Y la última sobre las consecuencias intelectuales de la victoria del PCUS a través del CNA en Sudáfrica. El gobierno de mayoría negra de Zimbabwe competía con la Venezuela bolivariana de Chaves y Maduro por conseguir la plusmarca mundial en inflación. Un país que con el gobierno blanco de Ian Smith exportaba alimentos, ahora pasa hambre por la gestión demencial del socialista Robert Mugabe y sus sucesores.

    ecently, the English principal of the University of Pretoria decided to ban the study of European philosophy at that institution, ostensibly as it was suspected of leading to “racism”. Studying Kant, Descartes, Bergson, Nietzsche or Heidegger was not politically correct when one could peruse American feminism, multiculturalism, gender studies, black studies, as well as Anglo-American language philosophy. Not so long ago, a female member of staff with an interest in Nietzsche wrote an article critical of feminism on a website and she was immediately threatened with disciplinary action and eventually hounded out of the university. English “tolerance” has its limits! But the suspicion that in the dark corners of European thought, especially as read by Afrikaners, could lurk ideas challenging the Afro-Saxon and Anglo-Saxon hegemony in South Africa, led to this Soviet-style ban on Continental philosophy.

    So the great European philosophers have been reduced to silence in South Africa, in our “becoming English”. But some of our English are even calling for the silence of the white race itself. A few years ago, an English professor of philosophy at Rhodes University, Samantha Vice (2010), caused a stir when she argued that whites or people of European descent should remain completely silent in relation to a black government. Even where that government engaged in corruption, mismanagement, cronyism, nepotism and abuse of power, we had “no moral right to criticise”. That must certainly be the height of English political correctness. Her essay was aptly entitled, “How Do I Live in This Strange Place?” What is even more odd, is that the title was derived from an Afrikaans song from an album by Bernoldus Niemand, but as Vice opines: “While I am not an Afrikaner and so have escaped the taint that identity brings with it, I am a white South African, undeniably a product of the Apartheid system and undeniably still benefiting from it.

  6. Una cita muy interesante para todos los anglófilos declarados o vergonzantes


    George Orwell is normally associated with his two dystopian novels, 1984 and Animal Farm. However, he was also one of the few English authors who ventured to reflect on what it means to be English, in his essay “England your England”. Among other things, he has this to say:

    “Here are a couple of generalizations about England that would be accepted by almost all observers. One is that the English are not gifted artistically. They are not as musical as the Germans or Italians, painting and sculpture have never flourished in England as they have in France. Another is that, as Europeans go, the English are not intellectual. They have a horror of abstract thought, they feel no need for any philosophy or systematic ‘world-view’. Nor is this because they are ‘practical’, as they are so fond of claiming for themselves. One has only to look at their methods of town planning and water supply, their obstinate clinging to everything that is out of date and a nuisance, a spelling system that defies analysis, and a system of weights and measures that is intelligible only to the compilers of arithmetic books, to see how little they care about mere efficiency. But they have a certain power of acting without taking thought. Their world-famed hypocrisy – their double-faced attitude towards the Empire, for instance – is bound up with this.” (Orwell 1946)

  7. En el yudisssi se está gestando un PAQUETÓN que no veas.

  8. http://praag.org/?page_id=20431
    About us
    PRAAG (the Pro-Afrikaans Action Group) was founded in February 2000 to fight for the rights of all Afrikaners and other people of European descent in South Africa who find themselves at the receiving end of what has been variously termed “reverse discrimination”, “ethnic cleansing” and even “white genocide”.

    We cooperate and exchange ideas with other pro-European groups and invididuals all over the world and appreciate all support, moral, financial and otherwise that we may receive in our difficult struggle for survival in South Africa which is a democracy in name only, and where we are actively excluded from all decision-making processes while our taxes and assets are being looted by a corrupt, rapacious, anti-white government.

    At the same time, we publish news and opinions of interest to everyone in the world-wide pro-European movement.

    Feel free to click on our support and contact sections at the top of this page.

  9. Otra prueba de que dan cada vez más asco es el hecho de que, incluso estando en el Tribunal Supremo, algunos de los que en 2017 la armaron siguen considerándose «presos políticos». Y comparar a un terrorista con Mandela es lo más absurdo del mundo. Mndela quería la abolición del «apartheid», y los lazis quieren, precisamente, un «apartheid» en Catalunya. Dan auténtico asco!!!.

    • Mandela dirigía una organización terrorista socialista parecida a ETA y con financiación de la URSS que con la excusa del aperthaid asesinó a personas y fue responsable del asesinato de unas 1.000 personas, cientos de ellas de raza blanca, la URSS quiso repetir las revoluciones socialistas de Angola y Mozambique, pero se encontró con los boers y los zulues.

      • Desde Sudáfrica por uno de los líderes intelectuales de la comunidad afrikaner

        In many respects, South Africa is politically out of sync with most of the world. During the heyday of US civil rights and desegregation, the National Party (NP) introduced more segregation between the races.

        Similarly, when Eastern Europe recoiled in horror from 70 years of communism, with the Berlin Wall unexpectedly collapsing in 1989, the same NP embraced the SA Communist Party (SACP) and its front organisation, the ANC, and willingly installed it into an almost unassailable position of power. At least since the 1950s, the ANC with its populist African face has mostly been a front for the more sinister SACP, where all the totalitarian tendencies of Marxism have grown like fungi amid the dark and the damp.

        One reason for South Africa’s peculiar ideological history has been the lack of what I would call proper analysis, at least in recent times. Instead of forming their own opinions based on examining the facts, people tend to recite slogans that they assume to be the “accepted wisdom” or the dominant ideology. Another reason would be that our media, with the exception of the Afrikaans press during part of the 20th century, have always been largely hostile to the indigenous population and beholden to foreign interests.

        Another instance of topsy-turvy South African logic is that terrorism is something noble, as long as it is vaguely committed against white South Africans, such as the Church Street or Amanzimtoti bombs.

        ALSO READ: Hofmeyr and Roodt, you’re damn wrong

        Writing on this site, Charles Cilliers recently criticised Steve Hofmeyr for his “frankly astonishing admission” that European countries such as the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway and others had actually financed terror in South Africa. Cilliers, whose illustrious surname is about the only Afrikaner element left in his thinking, states categorically:

        “The ANC, for all its flaws, are not and were never terrorists. Nelson Mandela was not a terrorist.”

        Over the past 20-odd years, we have been brainwashed to believe all kinds of things, but you need to be really gullible to come up with a statement like that. As recently as 2013, an ANC office bearer, Tokyo Sexwale, was detained at John F Kennedy airport in New York because his name happened to appear on a list of known terrorists kept by US law-enforcement agencies. Among other media, the BBC reported on this, saying:

        “South Africa’s governing ANC has demanded an apology after senior official Tokyo Sexwale was held at a US airport because he is on a terrorist watchlist.

        His detention at the JFK international airport was “an affront to the global anti-apartheid movement”, the ANC said.

        “Former ANC leader Nelson Mandela was only taken off the list by former President George W Bush in 2008.”

        So we see that both Sexwale and Mandela happened to be on the US “terrorist watchlist”. It might be that terrorism against South Africa prior to 1994 was not seen as morally wrong or perhaps liberal American or left-wing European governments tacitly supported or even openly funded it, such as the Netherlands and the Nordic countries. Not to forget Germany’s eastern half, then known as the German Democratic Republic and Russia, both of which were actively engaged in training, equipping and supplying ANC-SACP terrorists to commit violence against our civilians.

        Cilliers accuses the so-called “apartheid government” of being “the real ‘terrorists’ (if there even were any)”. However, I don’t think he will get very far with that argument. States may violate human rights or even commit genocide such as Stalin’s Soviet Union, Mao’s China or Pol Pot’s Cambodia, but that generally does not fit within the modern legal definition of “terrorism”. A remarkable consensus exists on what terrorism actually is, which started with the 1963 Tokyo “Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft”. Although the word is not used in that convention, it was enshrined in the European Convention for the Suppression of Terrorism in 1977. Remarkably, most states who helped the ANC-SACP to commit terrorism on South African soil were signatories to that convention! Apart from other acts, the convention defines terrorism as:

        “An offence involving the use of a bomb, grenade, rocket, automatic firearm or letter or parcel bomb if this use endangers persons;

        “An attempt to commit any of the foregoing offences or participation as an accomplice of a person who commits or attempts to commit such an offence.”

        Unlike other southern African militias and guerrilla movements, the ANC-SACP had no real military capability with which to wage its so-called “struggle”. Any attempt to cross our borders would have been easily neutralised by our then SA Defence Force, which was highly trained, motivated and equipped. At times, as in the late 60s, just prior to the Morogoro Conference in Tanzania, it was a moribund organisation, being kept barely alive by Soviet support.

        Both the French penal code and the US legal code have similar definitions of “terrorism” as being intended to coerce a population into accepting political demands. According to the US code, terrorist acts:

        “appear to be intended—

        (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;

        (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or

        (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping…”

        Most, if not all, of the 200 acts of violence officially committed by the ANC-SACP on South African soil fit this definition and would have been considered “terrorism” in any other country.

        Elsewhere I have called the ANC the “most successful terrorist movement in history”. The fact that the ANC was ultimately successful, also through its propaganda campaign, to coerce the NP into capitulating to its demands for total power in South Africa, does not change the nature of its former crimes against us all.
        I am not surprised that “an enormous silence reigned” after Steve Hofmeyr’s reminder in the Netherlands that its government, as well as several Dutch churches, had financed random terrorist bomb attacks and shootings against our civilians. After the attacks on the World Trade Centre on 11 September 2001, as well as the recent terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels, terrorism as a “style of struggle”, is just no longer acceptable. If ever it was.

      • https://omalley.nelsonmandela.org/omalley/index.php/site/q/03lv02424/04lv02730/05lv02918/06lv02938.htm

        21/03/2003 21:45 – (SAPA)

        Pretoria – Civilians suffered the most in military attacks by the African National Congress in its fight against apartheid, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) said on Friday.

        In its final report released in Pretoria it notes the stated objective of Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK), armed wing of the ANC, was not to target civilians or white people.

        MK member Aboobaker Ismail underlined this when he said in his amnesty hearing: «While MK had the means to attack civilians … it never did that sort of thing.»

        The TRC report says: «Despite these noble intentions, the majority of casualties of MK operations were civilians.»

        A total of 71 people died in such attacks between 1976 and 1984. Of these, 52 were civilians and 19 were security force members.

        Among these civilians were people who the ANC apparently regarded as legitimate targets, says the TRC.

        ‘Deliberately targeted’

        They included «collaborators» such as councillors, state witnesses at the trials of the ANC members, and suspected informers.

        «In other words, they were ‘deliberately targeted individuals’, says the report.

        In attacks such as the detonation of car bombs outside buildings housing security forces, the casualties were predominantly civilian passers-by.

        There were also a number of blasts in public places such as restaurants. Cadres seeking amnesty for such attacks explained that wrong intelligence had led them to believe security force members frequented these places.

        The report observes that armed attacks virtually came to a halt between 1963 and 1976.

        Between 1961 and 1963 about 190 attacks were recorded, undertaken mainly by regional operatives in Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town.

        «Armed actions inside South Africa were, by and large, terminated with the arrest of key members of MK’s high command in Rivonia (Johannesburg) in July 1963, all of whom were subsequently sentenced to life imprisonment,» says the report.

        Steady growth

        «The 1976 student-led uprising inside South Africa injected new life into the ANC.»

        From 1976 to 1984 there was a steady growth in armed attacks, with about 265 incidents recorded. These included assassinations and attacks on police stations.

        «MK activity peaked between 1985 and 1988. The number of incidents increased from 44 in 1984 to 136 in 1985 and 228 in 1986,» says the report.

        About 300 incidents were recorded in 1988, falling by nearly a third in the following year.

        Armed action continued after the unbanning of the ANC in February 1990, but they were fewer in number.

        «Police documentation obtained suggests that the total number of incidents for the period October 1976 to May 1990 totalled about 1555,» the report says.

        The final report includes a volume containing case studies of more than 19000 victims of gross human rights violations on both sides of the struggle against apartheid.

        Military operatives, prominent political activists and leadership figures are «poorly represented» on the list of victims, the report observes.

      • O’Malley toma sus datos sobre los crímenes contra civiles del CNA y su brazo armado del informe de la Comisión para la Verdad y la Reconciliación creada después de la victoria de Mandela con mayoría más que absoluta en el Parlamento y, por tanto, no sospechosa de blanquear al régimen del apartheid

  10. ¿Qué dice de esto Casado? ¿Está de acuerdo el PP en ceder la soberanía nacional a los separatistas catalanes?

    Se revela que Rajoy ofreció un referendum.

    • Mari-Ano Rojoy el legionario valiente. Alias Cobardiano Tancredon.
      Sustituido por un bolso 👜
      No se noto la diferencia.

      Gran labor de la libreta azul del Jose Mari (Xusmari en la intimidad) Asnar que hizo una seleccion de personal encomiable.

      Se puede se pvta, pero encima poner la cama…???
      Ahora se lo decimos con todas las letras D. MariAno. TRAIDOR !!!

  11. Lo bueno de Estados Unidos es que a gentuza como ésa o la mandan de por vida a la cárcel o los atan a una camilla para ponerles la inyección letal.

  12. Es que tanto ETA como los Nacionalistas Catalanes, son SEPARATISTAS.

    Se trata de blanquear al Separatismo, no llamando nunca a ETA como Banda Terrorista Separatista… pero es lo que son.

  13. Espero que la gente se informe, y que no se traguen todo lo que les dicen. Y espero también que haya algunos seguidores que critiquen esa manipulación informativa, y que pregunten por el motivo político de su prisión. Que pregunten a las familias de los fallecidos. Me supongo que será mucho esperar….. cuando lo mínimo es tener cierto nivel de capacidad crítica para diferenciar las cosas. Mandela, dice!! más bien a la autora de la noticia sería de desear, querido Dolco, que cumplieras mi deseo: Mándela usted a la ñórdiga, hombre, ya!

  14. El nacionalismo y el terrorismo son sinónimos. Y lo normal, es que todas las organizaciones izquierdistas tengan su brazo armado. La degeneración moral de la Cataluña separatista, será un grave problema para Europa occidental. El narcomunismo y el narcoislamismo, así lo avalan.

    La tal Gema Niebla o algo parecido la que hizo el libro del chivo Yordi Cruasan ahora sale en defensa del Otegui cuando esta 💩 con forma humana del Otegui dijo lo del Ernest Lluc.
    Para esta petarda hay que plegarse a lo que digan terroristas y golpistas .

  16. Habéis visto la noticia del 🐖 aquel que decía que los Aspanyoles eran chorizos por el hecho de ser Aspanyoles ???
    Echad un vistazo en el digital del Rius.

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