The TOP 11 most frightening ideas behind Catalan nationalism.

What do Catalan nationalist leaders really think?

The «Catalan process», as nationalists call the separatist pressure in Catalonia, is not a bottom-up process. It has been driven by politicians and ideologues, in a well-planned school indoctrination and mass media control through public money. The most influential of the nationalist ideologues, Mr. Jordi Pujol, led the Catalan Government for over 23 years. On July 25th, he confessed having committed tax fraud during the last 34 years. Both The Economist and the Financial Times wrote about it.

Although nationalist ideologues try to maintain their «democratic» appearance, it’s not difficult to hear them saying the old frightening nationalistic dogmas. But we Catalans are not like this. We want to maintain our inclusive and historic European, Spanish and Catalan identity, and be free of the disturbing, dangerous ideology of nationalism and its crazy consequences.

If you want to learn more about the Catalan nationalistic narrative, don’t miss the funny and interesting Catalan nationalism for Dummies – I, and Catalan nationalism for Dummies – II.

Enjoy our sweet Catalonia!


Categories: En el Butifarrèndum, Huid del nacionalismo

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7 comentarios

  1. Hay que añadir aquí algún otro corte. Es impagable, por ejemplo escuchar al actual president Puigdemon espetar que hay que expulsar a los españoles invasores de Catalunya, no tiene precio.

    Ellos tienen que interpretar su realidad, mentir, exagerar y editorializar en su prensa manipuladora o inventarse la historia porque no hay fundamento para sus inquina, acusaciones y odio gratuito. Vosotros, por el contrario, con tan sólo colgar sus propios videos ya tenéis todo lo que necesitáis. !Estad agradecidos que os hacen el trabajo ellos mismos!

    «La violencia es el último refugio del incompetente.»

    Isaac Asimov.

  2. I have been victim of the catalonian nationalists, they have discriminate me because I do not share their tought. I am not the only one that have suffered their intolerance ,the catalonian nationalists behave like nazis, they can not cope with persons that not share their ideas.

    The truth that is happening in Catalonia is very different from the catalonian nationalists´version, they have done a business with the victimism

    The catalonian nationalists behave like nazis, they can not cope with persons that not share their ideas.
    The idea of a referendum in Catalonia it is not healthy because in Catalonia there is no democracy, you need informed citizens and the truth is that in Catalonia since the nationalists run the education system they have created many generations of zombies that only stand for their fascists ideas

    In Catalonia there is not education, there is indoctrination in the hatred of the nationalists

  3. This kind of things is the best strategy to fight against the media showing people holding flags with «freedom» or «let us vote». Show them what’s behind all that performance.

    Kudos dolcacatalunya!

    P.S: For foreign people, have a look to the two fun posts «nationalism for dummies» please:

    …and disturbing things separatists do:

    This blog is the bloody Stalingrad!!! XD

  4. I am a german and was born in 1975. Great video. Really scary. Sounds like the things the nazis did here. True catalans: please don´t give up, keep the fight against the fanatics. Viva España! Grüsse, Johanna

  5. Grazie per questo sito.
    Adesso sto convinto che come la Lega anche a Catalonia ci sono pazzi.
    Non permetere che vi togliono i dritti a essere spagnoli e catalani.
    Auguri ragazzi.
    Cari saluti da Pasto (FI)

  6. Great to see info from Barcelona. I knew that nacionalism were crazy, but catalans nazionalists seems to be born in Berlin during ’30s. Take care authentic catalans!

  7. For Dolcacatalunya : very good translation. Please go ahead like this, you are doing a great job in explaining the real facts about Catalonia to the world wide.

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