Answering some key economic questions about nationalistic Catalonia

Some people are looking for answers. Here you have them.

caída libre

We are Catalans, but we are free form nationalism. Our centuries-old identity is Catalan, and therefore Spanish. Or Spanish, and therefore Catalan. Here you have some questions that make us uneasy about our future.

– Is it true that Catalonia is losing its traditional dynamism after 35 years of nationalistic rule?

GDP 2013: Catalonia -1,2%, total Spain -1,2%
GDP 2014: Catalonia +1,4%, total Spain +1,4%

Unemployment Q4 2013: Catalonia 21,9%, total Spain 25,7%. Youth (<25 y.o.): Catalonia 48,9%, total Spain 54,9%
Unemployment Q4 2014: Catalonia 19,9%, total Spain 23,7%. Youth (<25 y.o.): Catalonia 45,9%, total Spain 51,8%

– Is it true that Catalan public debt grew +86% since 2010?

Public Debt 2013: Catalonia €57,1 bln, total Spain €966,2 bln
Public Debt 2014: Catalonia €64,5 bln, total Spain €1.033,9 bln

In 2010, Catalan public debt was €34,7 bln

Budget 2013: Catalonia €37,0 bln (2012 extended), total Spain €408,0 bln
Budget 2014: Catalonia €36,1 bln, total Spain €423,2 bln

– How much money got Catalonia from the Spanish rescue fund (FLA)? Is it true that Catalonia gets the biggest part of it?

By Sept’14, Catalonia had got €23 bln (43% of total Spanish rescue funds) from the FLA. And it goes on.

– Is it true that Catalonia is NOT the biggest contributor to the poorest Spanish regions?

Last June the Catalan government presented its own figures on the region «deficit»: €15 bln. However, depending on the calculation method it goes down to €4 bln. Ex-Finance Minister Mr. Josep Borrell talks about a surplus of €4,1 bln before neutralization.

Spanish government presented in July the list of transfers by regions. Madrid is the highest regional contributor, almost doubling Catalonia.

flujos financieros regiones

There is also a survey on financial flows between Catalan counties -never published by the Catalan nationalist government- , where Barcelona has a clear deficit.

– How much public money has the Catalan government spent to spread its nationalistic ideology? 

Best estimates say that more than €20 bln (mainly in Education and Media) have been spent in the last 35 years to build a nationalist mindset aligned with the Catalan nationalist doctrine.

– Is it true that nationalistic Catalonia is losing competitiveness among European regions?

Catalonia is only the #142 most competitive European region, according to the Regional Competitiveness Index 2013. We have lost 40 positions in the ranking, while Madrid maintains its competitiveness (#57). The Catalan nationalistic government has tried several times to hide this fact.

– Is it true that Catalonia is losing attractiveness for foreign investors?

Foreign investment fell by -16% in Catalonia in 2014. It grew by +10% in the rest of Spain.

Welcome to nationalistic Catalonia.


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4 comentarios

  1. Katalonien ist das beste Beispiel, was Nationalismus heiist : Lúgen und Geldvereuntreueung.
    Cataluña es el mejor ejempo, de lo que significa nacionalismo : mentiras y despilfarro.

  2. Very nice description of the real facts. Sweet catalonia, the spanish referent you were, the down you are.
    cat nationalism, stop fucking yourselves, It would be great for all!

    • At the end of the day, figures are figures, and that, my dear Mas&Company friends, is quite difficult to hide. Even more nowadays. Now? Really? Now, under the internet age, you try to manipulate history?? Come on. Simply too late.

  3. En estas ‘contribuciones’ se ocultan los impuestos que pagan, en Madrid y Cataluña, los que compran productos y servicios realizados por empresas e instituciones radicadas en estos dos lugares por parte de los habitantes del resto de España. Ejemplo: Yo pago la electricidad a una empresa catalana, Gas Natural, junto con los impuestos correspondientes, a pesar de vivir en Galicia.
    ¿Son éstos impuestos pagados por catalanes? Definitivamente no.

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